Non-electric series
JKLM Non-electric Automatic Water Softener for household, industrial, commercial
(1)Adopt a unique hydraulic control technique, notonly having the advantages of automatic switchingno power supply, energy saving, but also avoidingthe potential safety hazards of electrical equipmentlt is especially applicable for softening systems withexplosion-proof requirements.
(2) Adopt full bed operation process with large flowand high softening efficiency.
(3)Adopt counter-current regeneration process withhigh efficiency, saving water and salt.
(4) Volume regeneration mode is the most practicamethod for end users currently.
(5) Multiple configurations: S: Single valve withSingle Tank; D: Double valves with Double Tanks.1 duty 1 standby; E: Two valves and above, parallelregen sequentially
(6) The double safety design of the brine valveprevents water overflow from brine tank.
(7) Design with manual forced regeneration mode.(8) Simple and practical, no need complicatedcommissioning or setting procedures.